Notifiche push illimitate
per iOS, Android e Web
a partire da €1 / mese
+ €1 per ogni 1000 abbonati aggiuntivi
Non è richiesta la carta di credito

WonderPush è ora un'azienda Brevo
Affidabile da più di 5000 sviluppatori tra cui:

Pieno di funzionalità per tutti
Chiaro, semplice e completamente conforme al RGPD.
Un unico prezzo per tutte le funzioni, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni del portafoglio.
Impostazione di 15 minuti
Analisi in tempo reale
in tempo reale.
Formati ricchi
API amichevole
notifiche push inviate negli ultimi 30 giorni
99,9% UPTIME - 350k PUSH / SEC
"WonderPush è così veloce che possiamo raggiungere i nostri milioni di abbonati alle notifiche push prima della competizione".
Protezione dei dati (GDPR) e notifiche push
I vostri dati sono al sicuro con noi. Non lo condividiamo con nessuno in nessuna circostanza.
Il nostro data center è ospitato su Google Cloud Computing. I dati europei sono ospitati in Europa.
I nostri SDK sono open source, garantendoci di non raccogliere dati utente superflui.
Utilizzando le nostre API, decidi tu quanto tempo i tuoi dati sono conservati sui nostri server.
Siamo pienamente conformi al regolamento generale dell'UE sulla protezione dei dati (RGPD),
a partire da 1 €/mese.
Studi di casi di notifica push
Notifiche push e-commerce
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Notifiche push dei media
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Notifiche push sportive
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Notifiche immobiliare push
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Migrare gli abbonati alle notifiche push è facile
Abbiamo reso molto facile la migrazione, soprattutto se si utilizza OneSignal, Batch ovvero Accengage.
Pronto per iniziare?
inviare notifiche push illimitate a partire da €1 / mese
Non è richiesta la carta di credito
WonderPush is now a Brevo company!
We’re proud to announce that WonderPush has joined forces with leading CRM suite, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue). This move will enable us to provide you with even more features and ways to connect with leads and customers, while still accessing the push and pop-up tools...
Web push has arrived on iOS and WonderPush is compatible.
We're delighted to announce web push support on iOS devices, starting iOS 16.4, released today, march 24th 2023. If you're already using WonderPush for your web push notifications, you don't have to do anything: we've made your website compatible. You'll start seeing...
WonderPush launches HTML Popups for websites and native apps
Popups (formerly known as in-app messages) can now be fully designed in HTML! The new HTML format can display the content of your choice, at the right time, on your website or your native app. Here's an example of a Popup that collects e-mail addresses...
WonderPush launches in-app messaging for apps… and websites!
In-apps are messages that appear on top of mobile apps to drive engagement. Now, WonderPush has made them available to websites as well! Starting today, WonderPush is launching a brand new in-app messaging feature that will let marketing and content teams produce...
WonderPush extends free offering to organizations fighting COVID-19 until end of 2021
At WonderPush, we believe that in these exceptionally difficult times, push notifications can be of great help to those on the front line serving the most vulnerable. Because push is the only communication technology that allows important information to appear in...
Why you need an abandoned cart push for your e-commerce store
Getting people to buy stuff online is hard. You have to setup a store, find a supply of products, get your store known through online marketing before you can make a single sale. And once you've managed all of that, you're not exactly done yet. Conversion rate. You...
The truth about free push notification services
How free push notification services make money, and are they really free forever?
When will Apple implement iOS web push notifications?
Apple is last to implement web push notifications in its iOS devices. Help us make the case and change their minds.
How web push notifications are a game-changer for football clubs
Find out how football clubs leverage web push notifications to keep fans engaged.
Why web push notifications are a perfect match for WordPress sites
Why WordPress site owners should implement web push notifications, and how to install them easily.